Jocelyn's Other Desk

The writings of Jocelyn Smith, aspiring author, soon-to-be lawyer, once and future politician, all-around opinionated twentysomething.

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Location: Orlando, Florida, United States

I'm a lawyer in Florida, working on three novels, a screenplay, and half a dozen pieces of fanfiction at any given moment.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Stars Are Stacked Against Me...

The year I was born, January 19 fell into Aquarius, rather than the usual Capricorn. According to my astrology-expert sister, this makes me "An Aquarian with Capricorn tendencies."

However, it's well-known that Aquarius and Capricorn are two of the most conflicting signs in the zodiac, if you believe in that kind of thing. (I'm not sure I do, but it's a lot of fun, especially since I DO seem to be rather weird even by usual weirdo standards.)

My Horoscopes today, courtesy Georgetown Law Weekly:

Aquarius: Your class notes will start to resemble nursery rhymes. This is a sign of insanity.

Capricorn: Avoid ducks.

I'm doomed. DOOMED.


Blogger Jocelyn Smith said... I've never heard of Meniere's Disease...and I'm probably going to wish it'd stayed that way after I look it up. If my assorted blood tests going get any results, I'll ask the doctor about it.

Tell Lincoln thanks for the tip (and the heebie-jeebies, but I guess that can't be helped.)

11:28 PM  
Blogger Jocelyn Smith said...

Okay, looked it up. Whoa. File that under "Holy shit, I hope not."

As the daughter of an oncology nurse, I'm well aware there are far worse things that could be diagnosed. Still, a disease with a name has a way of freaking one out. But it might not be: I wouldn't call the dizzy spells "rotational vertigo"--I don't feel like I'm spinning. It's more like a pulse, or a sudden lurch inside my head or my ear. Like a dizzy-adrenaline rush. What did catch my eye about Meniere's Disease was the episodes of hearing loss in one ear--which I have had.

I'll mention it to the doctor when my results come in.

11:37 PM  
Blogger Jocelyn Smith said...

Didn't mean to flip you out.

No worries, I do appreciate the tip. Seeing one's weird symptoms potentially translated into a "Disease" tends to have a freaky effect on people, but as Diseases go, Mienere's if that should turn out to be what it is, isn't that bad. It would be a bummer for this to not get any better, but I would survive.

I get my test results early this week, so I'll ask the doctor if she knows about Meniere's. Thanks again.

2:36 AM  

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