More on Sexuality in Fanfiction in the Harry Potter Context...
But her reason for the latter I found most interesting. She is reportedly religious (what type I don't know, and it isn't really relevant) but her issue with Lewis was the way he treated religion versus sexuality. I've never read Chronicles of Narnia, but Jo had a problem with the fact that when a female character discovered lipstick (and through it, sexuality) she was no longer portrayed as "religious."
So now, the million-dollar question: How does J.K. Rowling react to the variety of...shall we say...more sexual expression in fanfiction?
I rather suspect she responds just as any reasonablely normal, intelligent adult would.
I'm not talking about pornfic. That's a whole different can of worms and sleaze. I'm talking about sexual content as part of a romantic plot.
On the whole, Rowling has been wonderfully supportive of fanwriters in general. I was surprised and amused to note a little sexual innuendo creeping its way into Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, to the point where I rather suspect she has adjusted her writing for her now-heavy adult readership.
- At one point, the password to enter Gryffindor Tower is "abstinence," shortly after our various young heroes start pairing off. Subtle for young readers, but for us grown-ups...definitely giggle-worthy.
Given that, and the other attitudes she's expressed, I have a feeling she (as an individual, as opposed to the author/copyright owner advised by a small army of lawyers from agent and publishers) would not be too alarmed by stories in which our teenaged protagonists take their relationships to "the next level" (depending, of course, on whether the descriptions/discussions in the stories are gratuitous.)
As for stories involving the relationships of the adult characters...same standard probably applies. So long as the fanwriters aren't targeting kids with heavily sexual material and taking some efforts (ratings, segregating archive sections, etc) to warn of any adult content, I doubt Ms. Rowling will take serious issue with it.
But what about cross-generation relationships? One of the most popular pairings in the Harry Potter fandom is Severus Snape/Hermione Granger. (Yes, I know, people, keep your hair on; intellectual connection is one of the primary basis for May-December relationships.) It would depend, of course, on the way it's portrayed; many stories pair the two off after Hermione has graduated and returned to Hogwarts to teach or do research. So that doesn't really count.
All in all, so long as the "adult content" is not gratuitous and there are warnings for younger readers, I seriously doubt Rowling will be terribly alarmed.
Face it, friends: lots of adult and teenaged fans are interested in speculating and writing about what the characters will do after Hogwarts, and after Hogwarts, they will be adults.
Adults have sex. Kids grow up to be adults, get married, or don't get married, and make more kids.
Are we sensing a pattern here?
My point is: sex happens. Rowling knows this. Sexual content does not automatically render a story pornographic and corruptive. Rowling knows this too. Many writers consider sexual content a legitimate part of developing a romantic plot. Rowling knows this too.
Yes, the Harry Potter novels are primarily for children. But that doesn't mean all Harry Potter fanfiction is, or should be.
I think Jo Rowling is a rational, intelligent adult, and that she, along with her legal entourage, is aware that people who write stories about the characters as adults, doing adult things, are not an army of evil perverts. So it seems unlikely that she loses much sleep over ordinary fanfiction.