Oh, By The Way...An Update.
I rarely post here anymore, but in case anyone in the human race still reads this and was wondering...
I re-took the Florida Bar Exam in February 2007 and passed. However, the Exam Results online release in April was bungled, leaving me thinking I had failed for a second time (and most likely lost my job) for four hours. My memory of much of that day is a blur, but something led me to look at the results again mid-afternoon, and the rest is history.
My boss called it "emotional whiplash." That doesn't BEGIN to cover it.
So I am Barred, sworn in, and in all my lawyerly glory, free of studying at last. I continue to work on my stories, both fanfic and original fic, and am now cat mother of three darling kittens. My beloved Tara passed away last December, at age 19. I adopted my little fluffies in April, the day before Exam results, and knowledge that they were home waiting for me no matter what went a long way in keeping me out of the pit of despair during those four hours.
At the urging of a mildly-obsessed colleague, I've taken up yoga, and last fall touched my toes for the first time. I can now put me hands flat on the floor--woohoo! (I guess "om" would be a better expression.)
I may post here still now and then, but for anyone still interested in what I'm up to these days (and who I'm annoying) see my LiveJournal. (By the way, it contains numerous pics of my baby kitties, which alone makes it worth a visit!)
I re-took the Florida Bar Exam in February 2007 and passed. However, the Exam Results online release in April was bungled, leaving me thinking I had failed for a second time (and most likely lost my job) for four hours. My memory of much of that day is a blur, but something led me to look at the results again mid-afternoon, and the rest is history.
My boss called it "emotional whiplash." That doesn't BEGIN to cover it.
So I am Barred, sworn in, and in all my lawyerly glory, free of studying at last. I continue to work on my stories, both fanfic and original fic, and am now cat mother of three darling kittens. My beloved Tara passed away last December, at age 19. I adopted my little fluffies in April, the day before Exam results, and knowledge that they were home waiting for me no matter what went a long way in keeping me out of the pit of despair during those four hours.
At the urging of a mildly-obsessed colleague, I've taken up yoga, and last fall touched my toes for the first time. I can now put me hands flat on the floor--woohoo! (I guess "om" would be a better expression.)
I may post here still now and then, but for anyone still interested in what I'm up to these days (and who I'm annoying) see my LiveJournal. (By the way, it contains numerous pics of my baby kitties, which alone makes it worth a visit!)